This follows the HD remaster of the first Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, brough to Switch earlier this year. Speaking to Nintendo Everything, Krome Studios’ Steve Stamatiadis confirmed that both Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2 and 3 are “ready to go, from an art perspective” - although the company is currently focused on porting the first game to other platforms. “We’d love to," said Stamatiadis of future HD re-releases. “If sales go well, we’d absolutely love to bring the other games to the Switch (and other consoles). … we’re working on the other platforms. TY2 and TY3 are ready to go, from an art asset perspective. They’re already on Steam. For the porting work, it would be different though because they are on a different engine than TY1.” The developer has also revealed that a new addition to the series is still a possibility. Unlike the most recent entry in the series, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4 - which released to PC as a side-scroller in 2015 - the team imagines its fifth addition as a full 3D platformer. But the studio is currently hamstringed by budget and size. “If we did a TY 5, we would do it as a 3D platformer. It’s also a resource issue. For that type of game, we’d need a much bigger team size, budget, everything is so much bigger. What we would want to achieve isn’t something that could be done on a shoestring budget. With today’s expectations of what the graphics and everything should look like now, it’s such a much bigger budget. The scale is pretty huge. Back in the day, the core TY1 team was around 20-25. We’re about 12 people now.” In 2010, Krome Studios downsized and turned its focus toward smaller releases in the casual and DLC space.