Remember the Surf Hidden Move in Pokémon? The one that you’d no doubt have your brave Bibarel learn so that you could travel across water? Well, this is essentially that mechanic, except you get an entire surfboard to yourself rather than designating a temtem to be your HM slave. You will, however, have to do a little extra work to keep your surfboard when things turn a little awry for you in Temtem. We’ve got you covered though, and in this guide, we’ve explained how to unlock the surfboard in Temtem, and how to get it back following the boat crashing.

How do I unlock the surfboard in Temtem?

Well, much like when Pokémon Gym Leaders gift you various moves following a successful battle, you’ll earn this new piece of kit by defeating your first Dojo Leader in Temtem: Sophia of Arissola Dojo (shown on the map below). Now, you’ll meet Sophia within your first 20-30 minutes of gameplay, but of course, she won’t be in her Dojo right away for you to battle with. At this point, you’ll need to continue the main story quest and rescue Sophia from Windward Fort, in order for her to return to the Dojo. After arriving at Windward Fort, go down to the third basement level that features some cells and a body of water. You’ll find Sophia here, who needs you to find a key to free her from the cell she’s in. Continue through the room and go upstairs until you reach the top floor; prepare to battle some fellow tamers and wild temtems along the way. At the top, you’ll need to take on Lady Lottie, who’ll give you the key to Sophia’s cell upon her defeat. Once you’ve beat Lottie and freed Sophia, head back to Arissola Dojo and challenge Sophia! You’ll have to, again, get past some tamers first. ddUpon successfully winning the battle, you’ll be able to unlock the surfboard. After having tackled Windward Fort, Sophia’s Dojo is a walk in the park, especially if you’ve a Ganki to hand. Their Electric moves can take on Water types, and more, with ease. In case you do run into any trouble, Sophia’s squad of Temtems are as follows: Laoli, Kalabyss, Sparzy, Oceara, Pigepic, and Tuwai. You can use our Type Chart to work out which temtems will be best for you to use against her!

How do I get the surfboard back after the boat crash in Temtem?

Once you continue further with the main story, there’ll come a point where you’re in a rather unfortunate crash while riding the Airship. When this happens, you’ll find that most of your belongings are littered across the floor. Retrieve these, and you’ll soon find that your surfboard is not among the objects you’ve picked up. This is fine, though, as it turns out someone else has your surfboard… No need to fret, as you’ll get the surfboard back naturally by simply continuing to follow the main story quests from here. As a result, you’ll soon find a fellow that has your surfboard, and they’ll want to try and sell it to you. To then actually get it back, you’ll need to complete a few more main story quests, and soon enough, the surfboard will be returned to you! That’s all there is to retrieving the surfboard in Temtem. Why not check out how your Temtems could evolve with our evolution guide?

Temtem  How to get a surfboard  and get it back after the crash - 27Temtem  How to get a surfboard  and get it back after the crash - 21Temtem  How to get a surfboard  and get it back after the crash - 41