The 2022 Call of Duty, which saw leaks about the drug cartel-focused story over a month ago, will also feature loss of limbs and more realistic gore than has been previously seen in the franchise, with characters reacting to things happening in the game in a more believable way: “During high-intensity moments, your character will react accordingly. Throughout an ambush sequence where your patrol vehicle is under attack from hostile fire, the character you’re playing as is visibly shaken up: struggling to insert the magazine, trembling hands…” In a separate report, VGC revealed the possible cross-promotion between Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone, with a new map reportedly on the way inspired by the new game and consist of “various classic points of interest”. The map will also be home to a third new mode for Modern Warfare 2 similar to Battlefield 2042’s upcoming Hazard Zone, utilizing AI-controlled combatants and real players. For its part, this year’s Call of Duty: Vanguard will also launch alongside a new map for Warzone, Caldera. And yet this year continues to be marked by Activision Blizzard’s toxic workplace issues as it’s being sued by the state of California over discrimination, sexism, and bullying. A couple of high-ranking figures have been let go in the wake of these allegations, but many are calling for more tangible reforms and consequences for perpetrators of workplace harassment.