EA has banned the FIFA account of Kurt Fenech, a professional player, and streamer of FIFA 20 competitions. According to the ban, he is no longer allowed to access online modes in any EA games.
The company previously banned Fenech from FIFA 20 competitions due to what it deemed offensive behavior, but it has now extended the ban to all of its games. It’s said the last straw was him spitting on the EA logo during a stream, as Eurogamer Poland reports. EA has also accused Fenech of posting “abusive and threatening messages and videos about EA employees” and competitors, and for “encouraging others to do the same.” To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — Electronic Arts (@EA) February 24, 2020 In the past, he has criticized the company on his channels of misleading players and other grievances. As far has his permanent ban is concerned, Fenech for his part states he “never said anything” he shouldn’t have and accused the company of trying to shut down his Twitter and YouTube channels. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — Kurt (@Kurt0411Fifa) February 24, 2020 To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — Kurt (@Kurt0411Fifa) February 24, 2020