Players have begged for voiced human NPCs since Fallout 76’s tumultuous launch as many felt it was lacking any personality. Wastelanders comes with a new story arch involving settlers and raiders, unique companions like we had in Fallout 4 and branching dialogue systems. Wastelanders is free for all, providing you already own a copy of Fallout 76. For both PC and console players, you should expect a download size of roughly 70GB, so you might want to start marking space. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — Bethesda Support (@BethesdaSupport) April 13, 2020 If you linked your Steam account to your account before April 12 and got a free copy of Fallout 76, you can preload the game on Steam now. Purchasing Fallout 76 on Steam from April 14 - 28 will also net you a free copy of the Fallout Classic Collection, which includes Fallout 1, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics. For everyone else, Wastelanders will unlock at the times below.

Fallout 76: Wastelanders - Launch times across all regions

Downtime has begun and will continue over the next few hours, and you can follow the status of Fallout 76 here. The first new story arc begins as soon as you leave Vault 76, with the latter half appearing when you reach level 20. You’ll still be able to do everything you did in the vanilla version of the game, but you’ll likely see a bunch of new human NPCs roaming around. You’ll be able to access Wastelanders at:

12:59 pm GMT 7:59 am ET 4:59 am PT 2:59 pm AEST 13:59 pm CEST 8:59 am BRT 14:49 am MSK 19:59 PM SGT 19:59 PM CST 20:59 PM JST

If you’re just getting started with Fallout 76 you can check out our wasteland survival guide here.